Special Education Workshops

Duration of workshops can usually be adjusted for your school's in-service
Click on a link here to jump to a specific workshop further down this page.


Measurable Goals and Objectives

Quality Eligibility Determination and Judgement

Response to Intervention

Transition Planning From School to Adulthood


Measurable Goals and Objectives

Participants will learn the process for developing measurable goals and objectives or benchmarks related to meeting disabled students' educational needs. In addition, this workshop will help those present to more clearly understand how to involve students, when appropriate, in the IEP process, and to assist special needs students in being successful in the general curriculum.

Audience: All educators who participate and have responsibility for writing and implementing IEPs. Participants may include: general educators, special education teachers and providers, counselors, school administrators, process coordinators, and parents.


Quality Eligibility Determination

Participants will develop skills in clarifying referral concerns and of the referral process, designing the evaluation plan to determine eligibility for special education, and to integrate general education problem solving results with assessment procedures to meet federal and state legal requirements for eligibility determination evaluations and development of the individual education program (IEP). Participants will also learn and implement sound principles in applying Missouri State criteria from the G documents, using professional judgment, determining adverse educational impact, determining the needs for special education services.



This hands-on workshop for paraeducators working in the classroom (beginning or experienced). The workshop will include:

*Roles of Para Professionals and Teachers
*Code of Ethics
*Least Restrictive Environment
*How to complete Observations
*Behavior Improvement Strategies

Understanding Autism; Education Implications and Effective Practices

Day 1
An introduction to the educational definition of Autism; characteristics among the autism spectrum disorder. This basic information is a necessary preface to understanding effective programming.

Day 2
This continuing session will emphasize key concepts in designing an educational program for a student with autism including structure, behavior interventions, social skills and communication.

Transition Planning From School to Adulthood

Participants will use a student-centered approach to developing the transition plan. This workshop will inform participants on setting transition goals, assessment for transition and writing a transition plan.


What: Targeting Transition is a rubric-based system that helps secondary special education teachers develop important Transition skills in their students. Currently more than 600 teachers in Minnesota and Kansas use the program to simplify the teaching of Transition skills and involve students more meaningfully to the Transition process.

Those who attend the workshop will receive:

1.      A Rubrics for Transition manual ($95 value)-Choose between titles below:

  • Rubrics for Transition l: for Higher-Functioning Students
  • Rubrics for Transition ll: for Lower-Functioning Students

2.      A three hour workshop on how to use the Rubrics for Transition manual to:

  • Involve students more meaningfully in the Transition process
  • Write more specific Transition goals and objectives
  • Collect more meaningful data
  • Teach needed Transition skills more effectively
  • Track student progress over multiple years



This workshop will provide an understanding of co-teaching and collaboration, co-teaching approaches, and how to use various approaches effectively to enhance the services and supports for all students (both special education and regular education) in a classroom.  Participants will learn strategies to use the planning and implementation of co-teaching model in the general education classroom.


Response to Intervention

This workshop will focus on the practical aspects of the advantages of integrating the RtI into your school based team making decisions under the newly reauthorized IDEA.  This workshop will explain some of the key concepts and principles of response to interventions:

  • Describe in plain language how to conduct RtI within the school 
  • Describe how to know if individual student problems are related to the core curriculum or possible learning disabilities 
  • Focus will include information concerning interventions that may be attempted in the classroom 
  • How RtI benefits general education as well as special educations